Most people will feel anxious at some point in their lives but for some people this can become a daily feeling that impacts everyday activities.
Anxiety can affect people in different ways some of these include:
· Trembling or shaking
· Strong, fast, or irregular heartbeat
· Excessive sweating or shortness of breath
· Feeling nauseous
· Feeling tense
· A sense of dread
· Irritability and difficulty concentrating
· Social withdrawal
· Seeking lots of reassurance from others
· Dizziness and tiredness
· Lack of energy, muscle aches and pains
· Dry mouth
· Headaches
· Panic attacks
Things that can help reduce anxiety include:
· Talking to a friend/ family member
· Change location to somewhere you feel more comfortable in
· Breathe slowly in through nose out through the mouth
· Try to focus on positive things
· Regular exercise
· Eating healthy foods
· Taking time for yourself to relax
· Meditation
· Mindfulness
· Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smoking
· See a professional, a GP can help with a referral for treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy, antidepressants and applied relaxation
To help someone who is experiencing anxiety stay calm, listen to them, and reassure them. Accept what they say without judging them and show you understand the situation and their feelings are valid. Suggest they seek professional help if this is appropriate, there is also a lot of help from organisations online.
In the UK over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time and less than 50% with a generalised anxiety disorder access treatment. There are many self-help techniques, online support, and professional support to help you cope with anxiety and you do not need to do this alone. Some organisations that can help include:
If you are struggling with anxiety please seek help and if you suspect someone is struggling with anxiety make time to talk to them and offer them a safe, supportive and listening ear.