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Training within your organisation

Changing legal requirements

HSE has recently updated their first aid guidance to states that companies “should consider ways to manage mental ill health…such as providing training, appointing mental health trained first aiders and implementing employee support programmes”. In 2018 more than 50 business leaders from some of Britain’s biggest employers (PwC, WH smith, Thames Water) wrote an open letter to the PM calling for a change in the law to put mental and physical first aid on an equal footing.

Attracting top talent

With awareness of mental health increasing significantly in recent years, the onus is most certainly on businesses to take a proactive stance on supporting employees. 88% of professionals consider the mental health policies of a potential employer important when looking for a new role. The idea of mental health support as a ”nice to have extra” for business is fast being replaced with it being an expectation.

The role of line managers

According to Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, along with high workload, management style and our relationships at work are the top 3 causes of stress at work. So, it seems that unless your line managers have the capability to support mental ill health effectively and your business culture actively champions mental wellbeing, a policy can only go so far.

The role of Mental Health First Aiders in your workplace

First Aiders for Mental Health are the go-to person in the workplace for anyone going through a mental health related issue. It is not about providing therapy or counselling support but being able to spot the signs and symptoms, having the listening and communication tools to open up a dialogue and encourage their colleague to access relevant professional support or potentially escalate a situation if they have concerns about safety.

Ignoring Mental Wellbeing in your business is not an option

In today’s world, mental ill health accounts for over half of all workplace absence. With 24/7 connectivity, it’s no wonder that our “always on” mentality is taking its toll. Half of workers feel under excessive pressure and regularly feel exhausted and/or miserable (CIPD 2018) and it is estimated that 15.4 million working days were lost due to work related stress, depression and anxiety last year (HSE).

Research has shown that employees suffering from mental ill health find it harder to juggle multiple tasks and concentrate, take longer to complete tasks, and are more likely to get into conflict with colleagues. Of course, mental ill health goes beyond stress, anxiety and depression, there are a huge number of disorders, which vary in severity, duration and prevalence.

With its impact upon how employees feel, their performance, efficiency, relationships with colleagues and potential absences, ignoring mental ill health simply isn’t an option.


From 1/2 day, at your venue.


All courses have the option of being accredited through First Aid Awards. Individual fees will apply to this.

In House Cost

We are able to provide a range of training from £400 + VAT. We can mix and match the below courses to suit your needs, we can training up to 48 people at any time.

Level 1 - from £400

Level 2 - from £500

Level 3 - from £800

Individual Cost (per person) for Open Courses

Level 1 - from £65pp + VAT

Level 2 - from £105pp + VAT

Level 3 - from £180pp + VAT