Hay fever season is almost upon us!

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen.

 The symptoms of hay fever include sneezing and coughing, runny or blocked nose, itchy eyes, throat or nose, headache, earache, loss of smell and feeling tired. The immune system overreacts to these allergens by producing antibodies that trigger the release of histamine and other chemicals in the body. This causes inflammation in the nasal passages and leads to the characteristic symptoms of hay fever. If you have asthma, you may also experience a tight feeling in your chest, be short of breath or have a wheeze or cough.

 What can you do?

There are many treatments and preventative measures available for you to try:

·       Antihistamines

·       Decongestants

·       Nasal sprays

·       Putting Vaseline inside your nostrils

·       Wear wraparound sunglasses

·       Keep windows and doors shut

·       Stay indoors as much as possible

·       Drying clothes inside

·       Not cutting grass

·       Not keeping fresh flowers in the house

·       Not smoking or being around people smoking

·       Allergy shots are also an option for those with severe allergies.

 Hayfever is a common condition that can be managed with proper treatment and preventative measures.

 You can also get advice from your pharmacist or GP.

 To find out more about our First Aid courses please visit https://www.strongrootstraining.com/first-aid-courses

Mental Health in the Workplace

Is your workplace helping or hindering your mental health? Mental Health awareness is so important for individuals and employers. Employers must take responsibility for their employee’s mental health in the workplace.

Some factors that can have a negative impact on your mental health are:

·       Unmanageable workloads, long hours and increasing pressures

·       Lack of control over work and poor supervision from management

·       Bullying, stigmatisation, and bad relationships with peers

·       Lack of involvement when the workplace is undergoing change

·       Inadequate pay, problems receiving pay and lack of reward or recognition

·       Dangerous or poor physical working environments

·       Traumatic experiences

 There is legislation in place relating to mental health in the workplace such as: Health and safety at work act 1974, Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Equality Act 2010, Date Protection Act 2018 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

 Guidance can be found at www.nice.org.uk and www.hse.gov.uk

 HSE work related statistics show that a staggering 595,000 workers suffer from a work-related stress, depression, or anxiety and 15.4 million working days are lost due to this. The amount of working days lost due to stress, depression, or anxiety accounted for 57% of all working days lost due to ill health.

 What employers can do to help build a positive mental health culture in the workplace:

·       Develop a mental health action plan and implement an effective mental health policy.

·       Provide mental health training including specific first aid for mental health for employees across all levels of the organisation.

·       Publicise the organisations commitment to mental health, as with environmental commitments.

·       Evaluate the possible causes of mental ill-health in the workplace and signify which areas need improvement.

·       Ensure employers and management spend time getting to know employees and communicate with them.

·       Monitor employee performance and provide recognition and reward for achievements.

·       Introduce networks, initiatives and activities involving mental health and communicate this.

·       Offer occupational health services, return to work schemes, employee assistance programmes and allow flexible working hours to help employees meet their responsibilities outside of the workplace.

·       Make employees feel valued by involving them in decision making and managing their own workloads.

 Employees can also build a positive mental health culture in the workplace by:

·       Educating themselves on mental health and wellbeing and participate in workplace initiatives.

·       Make an effort to talk to their colleagues and ask how they are feeling.

·       Don’t be afraid to talk to someone about their feelings and ask for help.

·       Build friendships with colleagues.

·       Make the most of their lunch break- eat healthy, read a book, listen to music, or take a stroll.

·       Take a break.

·       Ensure they have a good work-life balance and don’t overdo it.

·       Have a good sleep pattern.

There are so many benefits of having a positive mental health culture in the workplace if you would like to learn more please visit https://www.strongrootstraining.com/mental-health-first-aid-courses

Pancake Day

Today is Pancake Day and you may have some fun family activities planned including making, cooking and flipping the pancakes. It is important to remember badly flipped pancakes and hot pans can lead to burns so please see the below advice of what to do in case anyone does suffer a burn.

Follow these steps below:

1.      Cool the burn.

Use cold running water for a full 20 minutes (immediate cooling is best but is still beneficial even 3 hours after the burn.)

Avoid hypothermia- cool the burn but warm the rest of the body.

 2.     Remove jewellery and loose clothing.

Do this very gently and carefully, before the area starts to swell. DO NOT remove anything that is stuck to the burn.

 3.     Cover the burn.

Cover the cooled burn with a dressing that will not stick. Cling film is ideal (discard the first two turns of the film and ‘lay’ it on the burn, don’t wrap it around.) Alternatives include a new plastic bag, a low-adherent dressing, or a clean lint free cloth. Do not use cling film on the face.

NEVER rely on ‘burn dressings’ to cool a burn- use cold water for 20 minutes.

If the burn appears severe call 999 for emergency help.


If you would like to find out more about the First Aid courses we offer please click here https://www.strongrootstraining.com/first-aid-courses


Most people will feel anxious at some point in their lives but for some people this can become a daily feeling that impacts everyday activities.

 Anxiety can affect people in different ways some of these include:

·       Trembling or shaking

·       Strong, fast, or irregular heartbeat

·       Excessive sweating or shortness of breath

·       Feeling nauseous

·       Feeling tense

·       A sense of dread

·       Irritability and difficulty concentrating

·       Social withdrawal

·       Seeking lots of reassurance from others

·       Dizziness and tiredness

·       Lack of energy, muscle aches and pains

·       Dry mouth

·       Headaches

·       Panic attacks

 Things that can help reduce anxiety include:

·       Talking to a friend/ family member

·       Change location to somewhere you feel more comfortable in

·       Breathe slowly in through nose out through the mouth

·       Try to focus on positive things

·       Regular exercise

·       Eating healthy foods

·       Taking time for yourself to relax

·       Meditation

·       Mindfulness

·       Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smoking

·       See a professional, a GP can help with a referral for treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy, antidepressants and applied relaxation

 To help someone who is experiencing anxiety stay calm, listen to them, and reassure them. Accept what they say without judging them and show you understand the situation and their feelings are valid. Suggest they seek professional help if this is appropriate, there is also a lot of help from organisations online.

 In the UK over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time and less than 50% with a generalised anxiety disorder access treatment. There are many self-help techniques, online support, and professional support to help you cope with anxiety and you do not need to do this alone. Some organisations that can help include:









 If you are struggling with anxiety please seek help and if you suspect someone is struggling with anxiety make time to talk to them and offer them a safe, supportive and listening ear.

Halloween First Aid

Halloween First Aid

Halloween is just around the corner, so we have put together some helpful tips in staying safe.


The materials that most costumes are made from is flammable and when people put real candles in pumpkins outside their door this can be very dangerous if a child accidently stands too close. Try to get a costume with less flammable material or stay with your child and make them aware of the danger, if they are too young to understand it would be best to go all the way to the door with your child to prevent something bad from happening.

If a child’s costume does catch fire this is what your child should do STOP DROP and ROLL. Do not run just stop lay on the floor flat with legs out straight, cover their face and mouth with their hands and roll until the flames go out.

If the child has suffered burns:

1.      Cool the burn

Use cold running water for a full 20 minutes (immediate cooling is best but is still beneficial even 3 hours after the burn.)

Avoid hypothermia- cool the burn but warm the rest of the child.

 2.     Remove jewellery and loose clothing

Do this very gently and carefully, before the area starts to swell. DO NOT remove anything that is stuck to the burn.

 3.     Cover the burn

Cover the cooled burn with a dressing that will not stick. Cling film is ideal (discard the first two turns of the film and ‘lay’ it on the burn, don’t wrap it around.) Alternatives include a new plastic bag, a low-adherent dressing, or a clean lint free cloth. Do not use cling film on the face.

NEVER rely on ‘burn dressings’ to cool a burn- use cold water for 20 minutes.

 If the burn appears severe call 999 for emergency help.


 Sweet Treats

For many children Halloween is about receiving sweets and getting to eat them when they get home. However, things to consider are any allergies your child may have, choking, if the treats are homemade do not let your children eat them unless you are confident in the person who made them, are the treats in date, if anything isn’t in a wrapper is it hygienic to eat and how much they are able to eat once home.

Preparing your child can help a lot with this, before you go Trick or Treating if you let your child know once home, we will get all the sweets out and check them together and decide which ones you are able to eat tonight and save the others for another day. This helps the child as they will know they are going to get some sweets but understand it won’t be all of them tonight and whilst they are deciding which to eat you can check for allergies/ hygiene etc.

 If your child does have an allergic reaction the reaction may be mild or severe if a mild reaction has taken place give your child an antihistamine by mouth. (Some antihistamines aren’t suitable for children under 2, in this case speak to your GP, pharmacist or call 111.)

 If a serious reaction has taken place (anaphylaxis) this can be an extremely dangerous allergic reaction. In anaphylaxis a chemical called histamine is over produced causing one or more life threatening airway, breathing or circulation problems.


·       Blotchy skin rash or flushing (not always present).

·       A rapid onset and rapid progression of one or more life threatening problems- Airway: Blood capillaries can ‘leak’ causing swelling and blockage. Look out for swelling of the tongue, lips, throat, or a feeling of the throat ‘closing up’.

Breathing: Windpipes can constrict just like asthma.

Circulation: Blood vessels can dilate to 3 times their usual size, causing a life-threatening fall in blood pressure. Look out for dizziness, fainting, pale skin, and a fast pulse.


·       Call 999 for emergency help.

·       Lay your child down in a comfortable position. If they feel light-headed or faint – DO NOT sit them up. Raise the legs if necessary.

·       If your child has airway or breathing problems only, they may prefer to sit up BUT take extreme care and lay them down immediately if they feel lightheaded or faint.

·       Use an auto-injector of adrenaline if your child has one.

·       If your child does become unconscious check airway and breathing and resuscitate if necessary.

If your child starts to choke, please see the poster below on what to do.

After successful treatment remember to seek medical attention if your child has received abdominal thrusts, has difficulty swallowing, has a persistent cough, or feels like the object is still stuck in the throat. And if the treatment seems ineffective call 999.

 Pumpkin Carving

Carving a pumpkin is great fun but it can be dangerous always supervise your children and if using a knife or sharp object this should be done by the adult. Painting pumpkins is a great way to get little ones involved rather than carving.

 If a child does cut themselves thoroughly irrigate superficial cuts with a large volume of drinkable water so there is no foreign matter in the wound. Slightly warm water can be more comfortable.

Pat the wound dry with a sterile swab then cover with a sterile plaster or low adherent dressing.

If there is a lot of bleeding press firmly on the wound with a clean towel, press until the bleeding stops this may take 10 or more minutes, if possible, raise the limb. Then complete the steps above.

 Road safety

Halloween is very busy with people walking around more than usual especially children, it is important to remind your children to cross the road safely even if they see something very exiting on the other side. Cars being able to see you is vital so walking with visible clothing or a torch is recommended.

It is also important for drivers to be more aware and drive more slowly particularly around residential areas.

Stranger Danger

Remind children of stranger danger and not to go off with anyone they do not know, do not get into any cars with any strangers or go into anyone’s houses and to stay with their adult or for older children/ teenagers to stay with their group and in well-lit areas on a pre-planned route and to keep phones on hand.

Halloween Etiquette

Only go to houses that are decorated or have a pumpkin outside. Say thank you for any treats you get. Take any rubbish with you. Try to keep in smaller groups when going up to someone’s door or wait your turn. Don’t stand on people’s plants or grass- use the path.

Having Trick or Treaters at your door

Make sure your pumpkin is out or your house is decorated so people know Trick or Treaters are welcome. It’s best to have a bowl of treats ready for Trick or Treaters to take when they come to your door. Some little ones may be shy so it’s good to smile and let them take their time to choose a sweet. If you have a dog, it might be best to keep it in another room away from the door as it might scare the children. The dog might also be confused as to why the doorbell keeps ringing so a new toy or treat might help settle him/her.